Monday, November 1, 2010

This a a Series of Essays I am writing on the management of democracy. The world democracies are in mutation.


Friday, October 29, 2010
The Tparty: an asset for Obama

The heart of the financial crisis that began in 2008 is the deregulation of the financial industry. In the United States, the result is very painful because 44 million Americans live below the of poverty line. The deregulation is a gradual shift of human society outside of ethical standards governing capitalist society. It opens the door for unwelcome behavior and is an attack against democracy and the equilibrium of human society.
The Scientific management of democracy shows that the deregulation created a legislative deficit. Capitalist society is a society of law, exempting any industry of this rule, could created a sphere of destabilization which can have adverse consequences on the entire society. It's what we are witnessing in 2010. The legislative deficit in which we live is permanent because the legislature is unable to follow the rhythm of scientific and technological progress. When the crisis has exploded, the vast majority of the legislators did not understand what was happening around them and they still do not understand the complexity of financial instruments that are the origin. In the financial world, high frequency trading, algorithmic trade and co-location are not regulated. 60% to 70% of the stock market is executed by high frequency trading controlled by a handful of private banks. On May 6 2010, we did experience a brief crisis in this area, so we realize the type of financial disaster it could create. Unfortunately, there are only 2 Senators, Schumer and Kaufman, who are addressing the issue. The financial disaster is not over yet. To close the gap between the exponential growth of scientific and technological progress and the ability of the legislature to adjust to this new reality, we will need a new breed of politician. Human societies will have better luck with women.

The American people faced with this international economic disaster as a result of 8 years of Bush, a huge legislative and financial deficit, and the dynamics of the democratic process sterilized by bipartisanship in Washington. Economists are talking about “the lost decade” in USA, just like in Japan. In search for solutions, they resorted to there genius Politics: political innovation that defined the historic moment.
Of society in crisis arise the most extraordinary political transformations, intelligence being the product of necessity.
Obama's accession to the American presidency is one of these transformations through which the American people has put his political genius to work.
The need and urgency to provide effective solutions to a very deep crisis has led Americans to make the choice of an innovation that surpasses the conventional scheme of the political party and its candidate. Innovation is a fundamental characteristic of the digital society of the 21st century. America has demonstrated that its culture and political consciousness is at the same level of the extraordinary scientific and technological innovations of our time, contrary to its political class. In Washington, the political class is defined by bipartisanship, a dualism source of conflicts that may divert the attention of human society.
Everything about the candidate Obama in 2008 represents innovation: first term as senator, black man, an extraordinary sophistication of political discourse, campaign with an unique organization, internet fundraising with small donors (Pioneer by Howard Dean) a political strategy that has created the “yes we can” movement within the Democratic Party. Obama was the new species in the political pond capable of bringing new energies to the dynamics of American democracy.
The 2nd innovation is the creation of the new movement,
The Tparti. Embryo of a political party, the Tparty view of a capitalism is different from that of Benjamin Franklin and other founding fathers. It is the opposite of "yes we can” movement that Obama has left neglected during the last 2 years. Yet this movement could provide a basis for job creation. The Tparti is a Republican creation, a reaction to the crisis. Without well-defined organizational structure and a single leader, it is characterized by a diversity of opinion ranging from the anti-elitism, the disapproval of the Wall Street bail out to the denial of Republican and Democratic parties. It draws its ideological force in the constitution and religion that are common ideological denominators of our national political space. Army, national flag, patriotism, country are key elements of American political ideology.
Unfortunately, the Democrats have abandoned these key elements of American political ideology to the republicans.
On the Democratic side, only Michele Obama's support for military families has made meaningful step in that direction. It is imperative for the democrats to correct this weakness. The democrats answer to the tparty’s political leitmotif “Country First” should be “Family First”.The arithmetic of the occupation of the ideological and political common space is huge and it will be in favor of Tparti on November 2nd,2010. In politics, you do not allow the opponent to capture the essential components of national political space. This is a crucial space were elections are won, herein lies the strength of Tparty. The movement is an involuntary cannibalization of the “yes we can” mouvement of Obama, but also an answer to the incapacity of the American political class to bring effective solutions to the crisis. That's why it was a very successful challenge to the leadership of the Republican party in the primaries. Polls show that a quarter of activists of the movement voted for Obama in 2008.
The crisis can be described in the following way: national unemployment at 9.6% representing a population of 14.8 million, in California it is 12.4%, Nevada 14%. In September 2010 there were 347,420 foreclosures filing, the total could exceed 2.5 million at the end of the year, more than in 2009. In October 2010 we have 2,035,305 foreclosures. A $ 13 trillion deficit estimated at $ 19.6 trillion in 2015 according to a Treasury Department report to Congress, a debt to GDP ratio in 2009 equal to 83.29% and 94.27% in 2010, close to Greece that was 113% and Iceland that was 107.60% in 2009.
First, With help from realpolitik, it is conceivable to say: a crisis of this dimension can not be solve in 2 years. Obama represents an initial response to this crisis. November 2 will bring us another answer that will change the eco-system of the American political scene. There will be democrats, republicans and the Tparti. It will be another important moment of transformation of American democracy stifled by the dominance of two species largely overtaken by the management of the digital society and globalization of the 21st century.
The process of transformation and development of human societies, social phenomena, environment and products created by human society is achieve by diversity and capacity of multiplication of species. Here's the DNA of creative energy and innovation. In biology the species and their environment develop through diversity and multiplication. We are in a society characterized by a diversity of political opinion, ideology, race, religion, sexe, beleifs, origine and that open up unlimited possibilities. But the instruments of policy decisions,
the canalization of innovation and political energies dominated by only two political forces closed the door to these possibilities.
Bathed in unacceptable bureaucracy of Washington,
bipartisanship has no solution to the crisis. The apparatus of political party as it was designed in the 20th century is outdated. Movements like "Yes we can” and Tparti are sources of creation of new political structures. Bipartisanship in Washington leads us into the field of political antagonism and impasse. On the one hand, we have the Republicans that are the originator of the crisis. They do not have any solutions. In the other hand, we have the Democrats without solutions either, who have not yet understand what it means to govern. In the electoral process that we are engage, the American people are looking for solutions to created jobs. In this digital period of 21st century we are beyond the “ existential democracy” created by the career politician, which capacity is determined only by the existence of institutions. Today the dynamics of democracy must produce solutions to complex problems of the digital society and globalization. This will not happen without a constant renewal of the political class. Certainly, the Tparti will have a victory on November 2, beginning of the presidential campaign of 2012. The question will be how it will manage its political success of the moment. Everything will depend on the political ambition of these new leaders like S. Palin, Chris O'Donell, Sharron Angle ... etc, their ability to structure the movement and channel the energy and demonstrate that it is not a rebranding of the Republican Party. It will be difficult because it is already organizes within the U.S. Congress in caucus led by Rep.. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota. Their response to the crisis is a Republican Party response: Defense of corporate development and profit, reinforced by the recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in favor of campaign financing by private corporations. This brings us outside of human development at the heart of Democracy and the defense of the interests of American families.
The 52 members are all from the Republican Party, which is not the best follower of the teachings of Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of the American nation, who show us that ethics is the basis of capitalism. The deregulation of the Republicans and the Democrats is an assault against ethics and Capitalism without ethics will lead to a dark moment in history. Ironically, on November 3rd, history will go back to the Bush era, but it will not be an innovation. History is full of surprises of this nature.
New specie in the pond, Obama's transformative leader during his presidential campaign, a symbol of innovation failed to become the Manager of power and deliver solutions that match the expectation of the people of America. Because of Lack of technical management of power: a synchronization of all component of power in the hand of a head of state, he failed to make the fundamental shift that transforms a candidate to an elected Head of State. The realization of this shift by nature is very complex. To master the shift especially in times of crisis makes it harder. The world of the conquest of power is very different from the exercise of the power. At the White House, Obama has lost this characteristic of new species to become a normal politician in Washington, head of a clan, head of a bureaucracy unable to transform hope to reality. Halfway through his presidency, the American Pdt is certainly going into a period, which will allow him to correct these mistakes very common to any new entrant to Power.
Will he be able to deliver and win in 2010? Yes! In political psychology we know that visionaries and innovators like Obama deliver better when they have their back against the wall.
The American people no longer want the career politicians whose only goal is to be elected and stay in power. This crisis is also the failure of the career politician, maybe we should go back to the origine of democracy where the most important reward for the politician is the honor of representing his people. That is what makes the army so great. In the 21st century we need an innovative democracy and a democracy of solutions. We live in a society of extraordinary scientific and technological innovation, a human society that has transformed the present in the future. We've created the digital space, the Internet, cloning, Facebook, Google, Apple ... ect. All this within a dynamic democracy, but the apparatus of political parties and politicians are unable to adjust to the imperatives of innovation and creativity.
The Tparti will also have the same problem like Obama once in Washington: deliver solutions to this crisis. Unfortunally this movement does not have any viable solutions; it is a movement of protest against “big government”. A protest movement can be ephereme and disappear very quickly. If the Tparty wants to avoid this situation it will be obliged to keep a significant distance from the Republican Party, protect his nature of new species and present its own candidate in 2012. Then this movement will make a major contribution to the transformation of American political ecosystem, just like Obama.
The presence of a 3rd candidat in the presidential election of 2012 is a necessity of digital democracy. The period we live in is a transitional phase between the digital democracy of the 21st century and modern democracy of the 20th century. This is what teaches us the science of management of democracy. History has shown that this type transition can be very painful. We are in a process of transformation of American society, which requires a management of intelligence to create new models of human development. The Tparti goes in the opposite direction, this is why it is a real asset for a 2nd term for Obama. He is capable of winning this match during the 3rd quarter, 4th quarter and even at the last second. Health care and financial reform are huge legislative success of his presidency. The president can be a deal closer by creating jobs in infrastructure development and small businesses. The extra ordinary Innovation of “yes we can” movement is not dead. To achieve this goal, he should show an extraordinary dexterity as technician of power.

* Original text written in french

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